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University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila

UET Taxila


  • Orientation 2k15(November, 2015)
    Session 2k15 was introduced to the telecom family, the faculty and they students were briefed about what is it we have been up to all this time in telecom department. Their spirits were raised by motivational messages sent across by the aluminates.




Untitled Document
University of Engineering and Technology Taxila, Department of Telecommunication Engineering, 051 9047917

About the university

The University campus is located on the outskirts of Taxila at a distance of 5 km from the city. It is situated near railway station Mohra Shah Wali Shah on Taxila-Havelian branch line....

Important websites

HEC Pakistan
Higher Education Commission Pakistan
PEC Pakistan
Pakistan Engineering Council

About Telecom Engg. Dept.

Department of Telecommunication Engineering, is concerned with the theory, design, development and applications of computer networks and telecom systems....
UET Taxila