The Cultivating Hope project, a joint initiative of SAMAA TV and HEC aims at engaging the youth on the vital subject of extremism in Pakistan. Based on the current socio-political situation of Pakistan, the project was designed to call out for innovative measures to not only control the increasing extremism but to create an environment, where the awareness of such extreme acts, its impact on the life of the people and the development of the nation would play an eminent role in changing the mindsets of those who are unfortunate to be enrolled in such evil acts.

Cultivating Hope” was launched amongst 600,000 students across the country to create a nationwide youth engagement on the subject as well as carry out healthy interactive debate. This resulted in a successful outreach among the youth and empowered them to play a key role in bringing out the essence of a tolerant and progressive society. The project carries a high emphasis on innovation and usage of technology and also provides a creative communication platform for expression

Award ceremony for competition winners was held at HEC auditorium on 22 June 2010. The award ceremony was held under the presence of the Chief Guest Dr. Javaid R. Leghari, Chairman, Higher Education Commission (HEC), Mr. Imtiaz Zaidi, CEO SAMAA TV, executive members from both organizations, faculty members from various nationwide universities, members of the media industry and enthusiastic students. The submitted documentaries for the competition came from all across the country with Mr. Hassan Raza from University of Engineering and Technology Taxila bagging fifth position in the competition bagging a cash prize of Rs. 50,000. His documentary titled AZM of duration 14 Minutes is available at
Mr. Imtiaz Zaidi, CEO SAMAA TV congratulated the winning students and shared that SAMAA TV launched this project as an effort to curb one of Pakistan’s most urgent call of time and place - to nurture the virtue of hope. He said that SAMAA TV wanted to serve as a beacon of hope to the broader community and has therefore taken up the important task as a media organization to educate for hope. The SAMAA management also expressed great appreciation and acknowledgement for the support of the HEC for joining and supporting them in these landmark initiatives.


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