Materials engineering is a discipline which deals with production,
processing, characterization, selection and design of a range of
materials including metals and alloys, ceramics, semiconductors,
polymers, glasses, composites, biomaterials and recently developed
Metallurgy is the area of materials science that focuses on metals,
compounds formed from metals, and the mixtures of metals which are
known as alloys. Metallurgical engineering is where refining ends
and production begins. This means mixing metals together in order
to form alloys which share the appropriate combination of traits
such as strength and weight. The goal of metallurgical engineering
is to find the right balance of properties such as weight, strength,
hardness, toughness, and resistance to rust, fatigue, and extreme
Metallurgy and materials engineering is a key aspect of most companies
the world over. It needs to make things stronger, cheaper, lighter,
more functional and more sustainable. The graduates in this area
can work, or do research in most countries of the world.
Contact Information
Faculty of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering
Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering
University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila
Ph: 051-9047621, 051-9047622, 051-9047684
Fax: 051- 9047690