University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila

UET Taxila

OpenHouse and Job Fair, 2024

The Department of Software Engineering, under the Softdesk Society, hosted an Open House and Job Fair on May 29th, 2024, for the Session-2020. This event provided an excellent platform for students to present their final year projects (FYPs), showcasing their professional skills and innovative solutions to real-world problems.

The event commenced with an inauguration ceremony led by Dr. Ali Javed (Associate Professor, Software Engineering Department). In his opening remarks, Dr. Ali Javed highlighted the significance of such events in bridging the gap between academic learning and industry requirements. He commended the students for their hard work and creativity, which were evident in the 37 projects on display.

The participating industries keenly observed the projects, appreciating the talent and potential of the students. Representatives from over 10+ companies were present, with several taking the opportunity to conduct on-the-spot interviews. This interaction provided students with valuable exposure and opened potential employment opportunities.

In the closing session, Dr. Tabassam Nawaz, Chairman of the Software Engineering Department, addressed the gathering. He extended heartfelt thanks to the industry representatives for their participation and support. He underscored the importance of synergy between industry and academia, stating that such collaborations are instrumental in providing students with practical training and real-world experience, which are crucial for their professional development.

To recognize and appreciate the contributions of the participating companies, shields were distributed during the closing ceremony. Dr. Tabassam Nawaz also took the opportunity to congratulate the organizing team for their dedication and efforts in making the event a resounding success. He noted that the event benefited the students and reinforced the department's commitment to fostering strong industry-academia relationships.

Overall, the Open House and Job Fair was a fruitful event, showcasing the department's commitment to student development and industry engagement. It provided a platform for students to demonstrate their capabilities and for companies to scout for fresh talent, fulfilling the mutual objectives of academia and industry.

University of Engineering and Technology Taxila, Department of Software Engineering, 051-9047736

About the university

The University campus is located on the outskirts of Taxila at a distance of 5 km from the city. It is situated near railway station Mohra Shah Wali Shah on Taxila-Havelian branch line....

Important websites

HEC Pakistan
Higher Education Commission Pakistan
PEC Pakistan
Pakistan Engineering Council

About Software Engg. Dept.

Department of Software Engineering, is concerned with the theory, design, development and applications of computer networks and software systems....
UET Taxila