University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila

Biomedical Engineering & Technology Department

Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Biomedical): Scheme of Study

1 2 3

Note: First digit in the course code represents year while second digit represents serial number of course (Separate for Technical/Non-Technical) offered in a particular year and third digit represent credit hours of the course except technical project, industrial training and social entrepreneurship.

University of Engineering and Technology Taxila, Biomedical Engineering & Technology Department, 051 9047892

About the university

The University campus is located on the outskirts of Taxila at a distance of 5 km from the city. It is situated near railway station Mohra Shah Wali Shah on Taxila-Havelian branch line....

Important websites

HEC Pakistan
Higher Education Commission Pakistan
PEC Pakistan
Pakistan Engineering Council

About Biomedical Engineering & Technology Department

UET Taxila