About the Department
The Biomedical profession has evolved over the years in response to innovations in science and technology.
Revolutionary advances in medical imaging and diagnostics have changed the way medicine is practiced.
It is expected that the biomedical field will play a critical role in future health care. The multidisciplinary
Engineering and Technology skills are integrated with human biology to improve human health. Recently it has been
observed that a great demand of biomedical engineers and technologists in the society due to the availability of
modern diagnostic equipment and healthcare facilities. In order to provide the required skilled workforce, the
Biomedical Engineering & Technology Department was established at UET, Taxila in 2017.
The Department of Biomedical Engineering & Technology (BMET) offers the following programs:
- Bachelor of Biomedical Engineering (BME) (Not started yet)
- Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Biomedical) (BMT)
The students are provided with an educational foundation that prepares them to choose their career in industry or academia.
The Department is situated on 2nd floor on combined Ibn-e-Sina academic block.
Chairman's Message
The 21st century has been labeled as the biological century with the anticipation of reflective implications to future
technological breakthroughs both in the medical as well as industrial sector. Medical practitioners heavily rely on the
electronics based equipment for diagnostics, surgery and treatment. The objective of Biomedical Eng. & Tech. program at
UET, Taxila is to produce trained and skilled biomedical technologists who can enter the work force as technical
professionals with competencies in biomedical technology.
Academic program
Biomedical Engineering Technology Program
The Biomedical Engineering & Technology is the new program at UET, Taxila. The program course work alternates with real
world employment in healthcare related industry and the related medical laboratories. The relatively young faculty members
conduct research in the fields of biomaterials/tissue engineering/biomechanics/biosensors/bioimaging/bioinformatics/computational
bioengineering etc.
Since its inception, the program has been active in recruiting outstanding new faculty members to support its teaching and research
activities and we continuously add significantly to this faculty base. Our faculty members have tremendous potential to change the
traditional way of thinking about engineering & technology education, pedagogy and research excellence. The program strives for
continuous improvement, and we continue to update the undergraduate curricula to better meet the needs of today's students and
tomorrow's practicing engineers and technologist, as well as for students who want a strong technical background.
Accreditation Status
The BMT four years program first started in 2017 with 21 students intake and graduated in 2021. The National Technology Council
(NTC) conducted Zero Visit, Interim Visit & Accreditation visit respectively and accredited the 2K17 Session of UET, Taxila.
Currently the university is looking forward to re-start the BMT program with 50 intake students in Fall-2025 semester.
BMT Program Accreditation Status
Sr. No.
NTC Visit
NTC Notification No.
Zero Visit
Dated: 14-05-2018
Go ahead
Dated: 16-01-2019
Interim Visit
Dated: 16-17/10/2019
Go ahead
Dated: 29-06-2020
Accreditation Visit
Accredited with letter no. NTC/12/05/Accreditation on 07-12-2021