University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila

Biomedical Engineering & Technology Department

Labs Infrastructure

Lab Organogram:

Lab Director

Dr. Zohaib Hassan Naqvi

Lab Supervisor

Mr. Hussain ud Din

Semester-Wise Lab Courses Conducted in Respective Lab:




Human Anatomy & Physiology

Electronics laboratory is to provide an environment to the students at Electronics Engineering department where they can perform the most basic experiments related to electronic circuits. In addition to this, students are introduced to the functionality and usage of state-of-the-art electronic equipment. This lab supports the practical experiments of the multiple courses including Electronics Circuit Design, Linear Circuit Analysis, Circuit Analysis-I, Circuit Analysis-II, Basic Electronics Engineering. There are seven workstations equipped with the technologically advanced equipment including Oscilloscopes, Arbitrary Waveform Generators, Programmable Digital Power Supply, Portable Analog Digital Trainer, and Digital Multimeter. These workstations are the best known for their ability to verify the concepts analog electronics.

Lab Organogram:

Lab Director

Dr. Adil Usman

Lab Engineer

Lab Supervisor

Mr. Muhammad Ashfaq

Lab Attendant

Mr. Sabir Hussain

Semester-Wise Lab Courses Conducted in Respective Lab:




Linear Circuit Analysis


Basic Electronic Engineering, Circuit Analysis-I


Circuit Analysis-II, Electronic Circuit Design

Workshop/project Lab is equipped with all the basic electronic equipment which is used for electrical wiring and electronic circuits. Use of tools used by electricians, wiring regulations, types of cables and electric accessories including switches, plugs, circuit breakers, fuses etc., symbols for electrical wiring schematics e.g. switches, lamps, sockets etc., drawing and practice in simple house wring and testing methods, wiring schemes of two-way and three-way circuits and ringing circuits, voltage and current measurements. Electric soldering and soldering tools; soldering methods and skills, PCB designing, transferring a circuit to PCB, etching, drilling and soldering component on PCB testing. Students work on Final Year and Semester Projects in this lab throughout the year. Training session Human and Machine Safety is also conducted in this Lab i-e concepts in electrical safety, safety regulations, earthing concepts, electric shocks and treatment.

Lab Organogram:

Lab Director

Dr. Muhammad Faraz

Lab Engineer

Engr. Shujaat Hussain Shah

Lab Supervisor

Mr. Masood-ul-Hassan

Lab Attendant

Mr. Muhammad Yaqub

Digital Electronics laboratory is to provide facility to the students at Electronics Engineering department where they can perform the experiments related to Digital Electronics Environment. In addition to this, students are introduced to the functionality and usage of state-of-the-art National Instruments electronic equipment. This lab supports the practical experiments of the multiple courses like Integrated Electronics and Digital Logic Design. There are six workstations equipped with the technologically advanced equipment including NI ELVES-IIHardware & Software, PC based instruments, Advanced Programmable Digital Power Supply, Advanced Digital Multimeter, NI Lab View Software. These workstations are the best known for their ability to verify the concepts of digital electronics.

Lab Organogram:

Lab Director

Dr. Adil Usman

Lab Engineer

Lab Supervisor

Mr. Muhammad Ashfaq

Lab Attendant

Mr. Sabir Hussain

Semester-Wise Lab Courses Conducted in Respective Lab:




Digital Logic Design


Integrated Electronics

The Computer Lab is an open, general-purpose and well-equipped lab providing computer technology as well as technological support for effective computing to help students in completing course work. The Computer Lab offers a variety of hardware and software for student use that setup to support courses at Department of Electronics Engineering.

Lab Organogram:


Engr. Tahir Iqbal

Lab Engineer

Junior Programmer

Lab Attendant

Mr. Fiaz Baig

Lab Courses:


Lab Course


Digital Image Processing


Signal Processing


Computer Fundamentals & Programming


Object Oriented Programming


Signals & Systems

Control Systems Laboratory provides a “hands-on” environment that is crucial for developing students’ understanding of theoretical concepts. Instrumentation and Control laboratory is housed with different instruments like temperature measurement, level detection, pressure measurement, flow measurement etc. and Controllers like HVAC Trainer for Temperature, DC Motor Trainer for Speed and Position Control and Coupled Tank for the Level Control. On different modes these are arranged in different control configurations to achieve specific control objectives.

Lab Organogram:

Lab Director

Dr. Khawaja Shafiq Haider.

Lab Engineer

Shujaat Hussain Shah

Lab Supervisor

Lab Attendant

Mr. Tahir Nadeem

Lab Courses:


Lab Course


Instrumentation & Measurement, Control System

The Digital Signal Processing and Communication Lab is a teaching lab established with the objective of advancing the conceptual understanding of students and researchers. The lab focuses on the concepts of filter design, spectral analysis and the transform domain techniques of system and signal analysis using hardware implementation on DSP processors. The lab is also equipped for training students in analogue and digital communication course using NI Emona DATEx trainers.

Lab Organogram:


Dr. Sajjad Ahmed

Lab Engineer

Engr. Muhammad Umar Khan


Muzammal Majeed

Lab Attendant

Mr. M Yaqub

Lab Courses:

Lab Course

Analog and Digital Communication

Digital Signal Processing

Computer Architecture

Embedded systems lab provides students with hands-on experience on design of digital systems that range from simple logic circuits to advanced microcontroller and microprocessor-based systems. The lab comprises of ten workstations, each of which is equipped with a digital trainer system, power supply, function generator, and an oscilloscope.

There is also a complete setup for design of microcontroller-based systems, which includes the necessary software and hardware programming tools. Lab facilities are also utilized by the students for their final year projects related to microcontrollers and digital systems

Lab Organogram:

Lab Director

Dr. Bilal Aslam

Lab Engineer

Engr. Muhammad Tahir khan

Lab Supervisor

Lab Attendant

Mr. Tahir Nadeem

Lab Courses:


Lab Course


Microprocessors and Microcontrollers


Embedded System Design

VLSI Laboratory formerly known as Center of Excellence for ASIC Design and DSP is the state-of-the-art facility, equipped with hardware and software tools for High Speed Digital System Architectures, Chip Designing, and Simulations. This single lab covers implementation of Digital Logic, FPGA based Digital Systems Design, Computer Architecture and Digital Signal Processing applications. This lab is equipped with Xilinx FPGAs (Artix VII, Vertex IV, Spartan VI &III) with Verilog as the core HDL. MICROBLAZE, PICOBLAZE AND POWER PC are embedded processors covered in advanced courses. Test and measurement equipment for advanced testing and verification are also available

Lab Organogram:

Lab Director

Dr. Syed Azhar Ali Zaidi

Lab Engineer

Engr. M. Tahir Khan

Lab Supervisor

Lab Attendant

Mr. M Siddique

Semester wise labs- Table:


Lab Course


Computer Aided Engineering Design


FPGA Based System Design


Computer Architecture


VLSI Design

To familiarize students with instrumentation, measurement techniques and data analysis and allow them to perform laboratorial work in Electronics and Instrumentation

Lab Organogram:

Lab Director

Dr. Hammad Zaki

Lab Supervisor

Mr. Farhan Ghafoor

Lab Attendant

Mr. Muhammad Siddique

Lab Courses:

Lab Course

Instrumentation & Measurement



University of Engineering and Technology Taxila, Biomedical Engineering & Technology Department, 051 9047892

About the university

The University campus is located on the outskirts of Taxila at a distance of 5 km from the city. It is situated near railway station Mohra Shah Wali Shah on Taxila-Havelian branch line....

Important websites

HEC Pakistan
Higher Education Commission Pakistan
PEC Pakistan
Pakistan Engineering Council

About Biomedical Engineering & Technology Department

UET Taxila