International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks (ICOCN)
Since its very inception in 2002 in Singapore, International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks (ICOCN) has been held annually in different countries throughout the Asia-Pacific region. The second conference was held in Bangalore, India, third one in Hong Kong, fourth one in Bangkok, Thailand and fifth one in Chengdu, China.
The 6th International Conference on Optical Communication and Networks ICOCN2007 organized by University of Engineering & Technology, Taxila during 7-9 August 2007, held at Margala Hotel Islamabad, Pakistan.
The conference aims to provide a premier opportunity for professionals, experts, engineers, scientists and industrialists throughout the world in the field of research, development and applications of Optical Communications to share and exchange their ideas and experiences.
International Conference on Graphics, Multimedia and Imaging, GRAMI
International Conference on Graphics, Multimedia and Imaging, GRAMI will be organized by the University of Engineering and Technolog, Taxila. GRAMI will be held at UET Taxila, Pakistan on 15th November 2006.
Digital image processing is a multidisciplinary science that borrows principles from diverse fields such as communications theory, optics, surface physics, visual psychophysics, computer science and mathematics. The many applications of image processing include: astronomy, ultrasonic imaging, remote sensing, video communications, industrial inspection, machine vision, medical imaging, and microscopy. Rapid advances in communications theory and sensor technology and the ever continuing increase of computational power have led to an explosion of visual data. The usefulness of such visual resources is largely determined by their accessibility and portability and as such, these data sets present great challenges in terms of coding, transmission, storage, querying, indexing, display and protection. To face such challenges it is not sufficient to develop faster hardware or to design more efficient algorithms. Rather, a deeper understanding of the intrinsic difficulties in visual data representation and analysis is required. This has resulted in a growing demand to discuss and share the experimental experiences with each other.