The research activity within the Department has been developed around
a series of research themes, several of which are closely related
to topics on which MSc and PhD courses are run. The department has
earned a status of eminence and respect among academicians as well
as practitioners due to continued research excellence. Department
has established close links with corporate business, industry, government
and the community. As a result, graduates are job-ready and prepared,
with skills that enable them to make a genuine and positive influence
in a continuously changing world. At the end of final semester,
open house and job fair event is being arranged every year which
provides the visitors a chance to witness the projects and conduct
tests/interviews. Students also participate in national events/competition
arranged by other organizations/universities. Faculty of Mechanical
Engineering remains engaged in research throughout the year. This
year a total of 40 papers are published including impact factor
journals and referred conferences.