'PEC Accredited B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering
(Up to Intake of Batch 2015)'
Mechanical Engineering is a highly versatile and diversified engineering discipline. The department offers four years degree program leading to BSc in Mechanical Engineering. At present, around 750 students in BSc, 65 students in MSc and 35 students in PhD are enrolled in the program. So far 37 students have successfully completed their Doctorate Degrees. The undergraduate mechanical engineering program is designed to inculcate a comprehensive understanding of theory and practice related to applied mechanics, thermo fluids, and manufacturing. It is a unique blend of engineering sciences with well-balanced laboratory work, design project, and manufacturing processes, with extensive usage of computers and latest software packages.
The department has well-equipped laboratories to meet the academic requirements of students and teachers as well as the professional needs of the government and private organizations. The department has CNC machining centres in the Machine Tools Laboratory. Fracture Mechanics & Fatigue laboratory is established in the extension block of Mechanical Engineering Department. The idea to establish this advance laboratory was to enhance the research and development activities in the field of fatigue and fracture. The laboratory is equipped with many state of the art highly precise testing equipment along with related specimen preparation facility. This laboratory is potentially able to produce internationally scaled research work in the field of fracture mechanics, fatigue of engineering materials and structures and failure analysis of engineering components and related equipment’s. Recently Department Has Enhanced Lab research facility by adding Scanning Electron Microscope and Vacuum Coating Machine. The fluid Mechanics lab in the department was renovated and brought up to the state of the art under the “strengthening of labs projects” of HEC. The fluid Mechanics Lab today have twelve state of the art experimental equipment’s, including forced and free vortex generator and parallel and series pump test bed. Recently, Fluid Structure Interaction (FSI) Lab Has been established having state of the art experimental equipment’s including Subsonic Wind Tunnel and Supersonic Wind Tunnel. MMT and MMC Labs have been upgraded with latest Equipment’s.
Computer based design and optimization techniques are being employed for teaching various courses in the networking environment and considerable number of modern computers is available in the Department. The Department shares AMS Lab with Department of Industrial Engineering, which include the state of the art manufacturing facilities with CNC (M100), computer integrated manufacturing with AGVs/ASRS and virtual prototyping models. The students can enhance their technical knowledge by using STL files directly from PRO-E and build a model in 3D using rapid prototyping system.
The department has also established a new Renewable Energy Research & Development Center (RERDC). The purpose of the RERDC is to reduce the existing deficiency in research facilities in the Pakistani universities especially in energy sector to support the Pakistani energy policy and departmental priorities for increasing the viability and deployment of renewable energy through system design, prototype development and optimization that enhance domestic benefits from renewable energy development.
Contact Information
Faculty of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila
Ph: 051-9047668
Fax: 051-9047690 , 051- 9047420