Civil And Environmental Engineering Departments, UET Taxila


We are excited to announce that the MDPI Infrastructure will help us to promote the 1st International Conference on Advances in Civil & Environmental Engineering, UET TAXILA (1st ICACEE-2022), as the Official Media Partner, please visit us;


Announcement: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/infrastructures/events/14093

Submission Of Paper(Maximum 05 Pages)
05th February, 2022
Registration Deadline
10th Feb 2022 to 16th Feb 2022
Best papers will be invited for the full-length submission to the Technical Journal of UET Taxila ISSN: 1813-1786(Print); 2313-7770 (Online)

Plan of Activities

1st Day of Conference 22nd Feb 2022

Conference Registration and Reception of Honourable Guests

08.30 to 09.15



Stage Secretary Engr. Sadia Fida

09.30= National Anthem on the Arrival

of Chief Guest



09.45=Ribbon cutting Ceremony

09.50=Introduction of Departments

10.00=Introduction of Conference

10.10=Welcome Speech of VC shb

10.20=Address of Chief Guest

Inauguration Ceremony & Guest's Speech

09.30 to 10.30

International Key-Notes Speakers (05)

10.30 to 11.30

Tea Break & Poster Presentation

11.30 to 12.00

Technical Sessions in Parallel

12.00 to 13.30


Prayer Break

13:30 to 14.00


Lunch & Poster Presentation

14.30 to 15.30

Site Seeing tour of UNESCO (optional with T & C)

15.30 to 17.00

Through University vehicles

Conference Dinner (Subject to Funding Availability )



2nd Day of Conference 23rd Feb 2022

CPD Lecture By Engr. Jawaid Malik

Project Engineer (Major Rail Projects Canada)

09.00 to 10.30



International Key-Notes Speakers (04)

10.30 to 11.30

Tea Break & Poster Presentation

11.30 to 12.30

Technical Sessions in Parallel

12.30 to 13.30

Prayer Break

13.30 to 14.00

Chief Guest Speech & Prize Distribution & Closing Ceremony

14.00 to 14.30




14.30 to 15.30

Prof. Dr. Muhammad Inayatullah Khan
Prof. Dr. Qaiser-uz-Zaman Khan
Principle Advisor
Prof. Dr. Muhammad Yaqub
Chief Advisor
Engr. Dr. Mansoor Ahmad Baluch
Technical Advisor
Prof. Dr. Faisal Shabbir
Dr. Afaq Ahmad (CHAIR)
Engr. Sadia Fida (VICE CHAIR)
Prof Dr. Norio Tanaka

Prof. Dr. Norio Tanaka

Professor, Graduate School of Science and Engineering and the International Institute for Resilient Society, Saitama University

Prof. Dr. Norio Tanaka has interests on to plan the management method of river channels and vegetation in rivers by elucidating and modeling the dynamics of flood characteristics, especially including changes in the vegetation resistance by washout of grasses and trees and by the trapping phenomenon, and the growth dynamics of river vegetation, and on to clarify the related changes of flooding risk location in a watershed.

Prof. Dr. Norio Tanaka has published more than 100 journal papers and peer reviewed conference papers.

Prof Dr. Vagelis Plevris

Prof. Dr. Vagelis Plevris

Prof Dr. Vagelis Plevris is an Associate Professor at the Department of Civil & Architectural Engineering of Qatar University in Doha, Qatar. He serves as Chief Editor for "Computational Methods in Structural Engineering", a section of the journal Frontiers in Built Environment, by Frontiers in Switzerland.

His research interests include (i) Finite Element Method (FEM); (ii) Static and Dynamic Analysis of Structures with FEM; (iii) Earthquake Engineering; (iv) Optimum Design of Structures; (v) Reliability and Probabilistic Analysis of Structures; and (vi) Neural Networks and their Applications in Engineering.

Prof. Dr. Vagelis Plevris has published more than 100 journal papers and peer reviewed conference papers.

Dr. James Grenfell

Dr. James Grenfell

Dr. Grenfell is a Senior Technology Leader at ARRB (Australian Road Research Board). Prior to this Dr Grenfell spent 13 years as a researcher at NTEC (Nottingham Transportation Engineering Centre) at the University of Nottingham in the UK.

Dr. Grenfell has published more than 100 journal papers and peer reviewed conference papers. He is a Director-at-large of the International Society of Asphalt Pavements, on the Editorial board for the Proceedings of the Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists and involved in several RILEM Technical Committees looking at bituminous and asphaltic materials.

Dr. Amorn Pimanmas

Dr. Amorn Pimanmas

Dr. Amorn Pimanmas is a professor of Civil Engineering at Kasetsart University and the President of Thai Structural Engineers Association. He is also the President of Thai Building Information Modeling Association.

Dr. Amorn Pimanmas has authored more than 70 International/National Journal articles in the field of Structural Engineering.

Dr. Muhammad Ali

Dr. Muhammad Ali

Senior Lecturer, University of Portsmouth

After completing his PhD at Cardiff School of Engineering, Dr Muhammad Ali joined Bridgend College of Technology as a Lecturer. Prior to my research studies, He have worked as a site Engineer on various infrastructure and regeneration projects. Waste Management and the Built Environment are of particular interests to him as far as research is concerned. Dr Muhammad Ali have keen interest in interdisciplinary research and continuing to work in this respect.

Dr. Muhammad Ali has published more than 70+ journal papers and peer reviewed conference papers.

Dr. Martina Egedusevic

Dr. Martina Egedusevic

Dr. Martina hold PhD in Civil Engineering from the Heriot watt University, in which she investigated the assessing the impact of new woodland creation in a small Scottish catchment in the Menstrie River Basin, frequently exposed to flash flooding. As part of the research, she is doing extensive field surveys, collecting and analyzing data for understanding the physical processes characterizing flash flooding in the catchment which serves a basis for the development of a hydrological model.

Dr. Martina Egedusevic has published more than 30 journal papers and peer reviewed conference papers.

Dr. Husnain Haider

Dr. Husnain Haider

Dr. Husnain Haider is working as Associate Professor at Civil Engineering Department, College of Engineering, Qassim University, Saudi Arabia. He obtained his first PhD in Environmental Engineering, specialization in water quality management of natural systems, from University of Engineering and Technology (Lahore, Pakistan). Later, he obtained his second PhD in Civil Engineering from University of British Columbia (UBC) Canada.

Presently, Dr. Haider is working on water safety, economic level of leakage, and groundwater quality assessment for intermittent water supplies in arid environments. He also worked on performance indicators of municipal solid waste management systems, performance assessment of groundwater treatment facilities, and flood risk management in Saudi Arabia. He is author of more than 80 publications, including peer-reviewed articles in international journals, book chapters, and papers in international conferences.

Dr. Muhammad Saqib Nawaz

Dr. Muhammad Saqib Nawaz

Dr. Muhammad Saqib Nawaz holds a PhD degree in Environmental Engineering. He has over 12 years of experience working in fields of water and wastewater treatment. He remained involved in designing, commissioning, and troubleshooting of various treatment plants. Currently, he is serving as a post-doctoral fellow at Water Desalination and Reuse Center, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia.

Dr. Muhammad Saqib Nawaz has published more than 18+ journal papers and peer reviewed conference papers.

Engr. Jawaid Malik

CPD Lecture by Engr. Jawaid Malik

Project Engineer (Major Rail Projects Canada)

Jawaid is a Professional Engineer in Ontario as well as a Chartered Civil Engineer UK with extensive experience in the design, reconstruction and maintenance of railway infrastructures with circa 17 years of experience in the rail industry. Jawaid is focused on managing Rail and Transit projects in North America, as well as promoting the latest developments in collaborative digital technologies to the clients with a focus on building information modelling (BIM) in project planning and designing.

Jawaid has managed multi-disciplinary rail projects and has performed Civil’s ARE, CRE and DPE duties on a number of UK rail schemes. He has a thorough understanding of the relevant standards and regulations within the UK and Canadian rail sector and has excellent communication skills and the ability to interface with internal design teams and clients. He is SCE (Supervising Civil Engineer) and use his knowledge and experience to help trainees progress through the ICE training scheme and to sit their Professional Review (to become professionally qualified).

Dr. Mohamed Suleiman

Post-Doc Researcher, The Ohio State University, USA.

After completing his PhD, Dr. Mohamed Suleiman joined The Ohio State University as a Post-Doc fellow.

His research work is about the Steel connections and steel-concrete composite structures. Linear and nonlinear (static and dynamic) finite element analysis.

Dr. Mohamed Suleiman has published more than 40+ journal papers and peer reviewed conference papers.

Advance Materials For Construction
Innovative Methods And Techniques In Civil Engineering
Traffic And Pavement
Soil And Geoscience
Structure Against Extreme Loading
Water, Environment And Health
Sustainable Water Resources
Renewable, Smart And Green Energy Development
Conference Dates
22 & 23 February 2022
Mode of Conference
On-Campus and Online
Please submit the full paper to the conference email address [email protected]
Single column, single space, 12 Time New Roman for all headings and text. Use caption for Tables and Figures. For more details download format. Please mentioned the source of funding, Conflict of Interest and declaration at the end of the paper.
Professional Author
PKR 10,000 (USD 60)
Student Author
PKR 7,500 (USD 45)
Additional Paper
PKR 3,500 (USD 20)
PKR 2,000 (USD 15)

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UET Taxila

  •   University of Engineering &
         Technology Taxila, 47050
  •  +92 51-9047-400
  •  +92 51-9047-420

About UET Taxila

With phenomenal increase in students' enrollment in 1970's, a plan to establish additional campuses of the University of Engineering and Technology Lahore was conceived. As a result of that, the University College of Engineering Taxila was established.

Read more about the University

Important Links

  • Higher Education Department
  • The Punjab Educational Endowment Fund