University of Engineering and Technology Taxila
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Master of Science in Computer Science


UET, Taxila offers the degree of masters of computer science to produce high-skilled researchers who are capable of meeting the demands of academics and industrial research of country. The students of MS students are encouraged to further enhance their knowledge which they have been acquired at BS level by indulging themselves into practical research work and thesis. The program provides solid theoretical and practical foundations by offering the latest courses designed by leading experts in the field. Innovative research with relevant and practical application is the driving force of our research vision. The department offers both full time and part time programs in MS degree.

Eligibility Criteria

Following is the Eligibility Criteria for MS Computer Science
1. BS (CS) 4 Years Degree Program (min 120 credit hours)
2. Computer Science Conversion Course 2 Years Degree Program referred to as "MCS" or "MSc (CS)".
3. BCS-3 years Degree Program-Student will be required to complete the deciency of difference of total earned credit hours and 120 credit hours.
4. 16 year Science and Engineering graduates are eligible but they have to cover deciency
5. Candidate's terminal degree must be passed with at least 60% marks or 2.5 CGPA


The program shall comprise of minimum 4 semesters spread over 2 years with two semesters a year.


Course No Course Title Credit Hours
CS-5100 Postgraduate Research Thesis (6+0)
CS-5103 Advanced Theory of computation (3+0)
CS-5104 Advanced Algorithm Analysis (3+0)


Course No Course Title Credit Hours
CS-5101 Advanced Operating Systems (3+0)
CS-5102 Advanced Computer Architecture (3+0)
CS-5105 Advanced Software Engineering (3+0)
CS-5106 Topics in Software Engineering (3+0)
CS-5107 Object Oriented Software Engineering (3+0)
CS-5108 Software Quality Assurance (3+0)
CS-5109 Requirements Engineering (3+0)
CS-5110 Distributed Computing (3+0)
CS-5111 Design of Intelligent Systems (3+0)
CS-5112 Machine Learning (3+0)
CS-5113 Neural Networks (3+0)
CS-5114 Mathematical Reasoning (3+0)
CS-5115 Decision Support Systems (3+0)
CS-5116 Computer Vision (3+0)
CS-5117 Advanced DBMS (3+0)
CS-5118 Data Warehousing (3+0)
CS-5119 Object Oriented Databases (3+0)
CS-5120 Web-Based DBMS (3+0)
CS-5121 Topics in DBMS (3+0)
CS-5122 Advanced Logic Design (3+0)
CS-5123 Digital System Design (3+0)
CS-5124 Integrated Circuit (3+0)
CS-5125 Design Verication (3+0)
CS-5126 Cloud Computing (3+0)
CS-5127 Digital Signal Processing (3+0)
CS-5128 Switching and Fault Diagnosis (3+0)
CS-5129 Parallel & Distributed Computing (3+0)
CS-5130 Control Systems and Robotics (3+0)
CS-5131 Real Time Operating Systems (3+0)
CS-5132 Advanced Computer Graphics (3+0)
CS-5133 Multimedia & Hypermedia System (3+0)
CS-5134 Virtual Reality (3+0)
CS-5135 Human Computer Interface (3+0)
CS-5136 Geographical Information Systems (3+0)
CS-5137 Computer Animation (3+0)
CS-5138 Advanced Networking (3+0)
CS-5139 Network Security (3+0)
CS-5140 Topics in Computer Networking (3+0)
CS-5141 Network Transport Protocols (3+0)
CS-5142 Network Administration (3+0)
CS-5143 Wireless Networks (3+0)
CS-5144 Network Performance Evaluation (3+0)
CS-5145 Theory of Programming Languages (3+0)
CS-5146 Advanced Compiler Design–I (3+0)
CS-5147 Advanced Compiler Design–II (3+0)
CS-5148 Software Engineering (3+0)
CS-5149 Articial Intelligence (3+0)
CS-5150 Advanced Software Development (3+0)
CS-5151 Mathematical Reasoning (3+0)
CS-5152 Decision Support Systems (3+0)
CS-5153 Software Architecture (3+0)
CS-5154 Agent Oriented Software Engineering (3+0)
CS-5155 Automated Reasoning (3+0)
CS-5156 Software Project Management (3+0)
CS-5157 Knowledge based systems (3+0)
CS-5158 Software Design (3+0)
CS-5159 Planning systems (3+0)
CS-5160 Software Engineering and Formal Specications (3+0)
CS-5161 Natural Language Processing (3+0)
CS-5162 Empirical Software Engineering (3+0)
CS-5163 Agents (3+0)
CS-5164 Software Process Improvement (3+0)
CS-5165 Robotics (3+0)
CS-5166 Component-Based Computing (3+0)
CS-5167 Symbolic Computing (3+0)
CS-5168 Programming Environment (3+0)
CS-5169 Genetic Algorithms (3+0)
CS-5170 Safety-Critical Systems (3+0)
CS-5171 Information Management (3+0)
CS-5172 Computer Architecture and Organization (3+0)
CS-5173 Embedded Systems (3+0)
CS-5174 Multimedia Information Systems (3+0)
CS-5175 Parallel and Distributed Systems (3+0)
CS-5176 Database Design (3+0)
CS-5177 Transaction Processing (3+0)
CS-5178 Distributed and Object Databases (3+0)
CS-5179 System on a chip (3+0)
CS-5180 Data Mining (3+0)
CS-5181 VLSI Development (3+0)
CS-5182 Spatial and Temporal Databases (3+0)
CS-5183 Device Development (3+0)
CS-5184 Semantic Databases (3+0)
CS-5185 Graphics and Visual Computing (3+0)
CS-5186 Digital Libraries (3+0)
CS-5187 Visualization (3+0)