COMPTECH (Society of Computer Technology)
- To groom the hidden talent of the student.
- To provide the opportunities to arrange lectures, workshops
- To invite the speakers from all over Pakistan, so they can guide the students in their respective fields.
- To provide the chance to collaborate with international computing and scientific societies.
- Through this platform student will be able to participate in the completions being held other institutions.
- To Organize Extra Curricular activities and events for the Students in order to foster their intellectual, literary and artistic potentials.
With an understanding of how organizations operate, students will be able to move effectively design systems and networks that will support the needs of the business or organization. These things can't be learned only by Studying regular courses in University. It is necessary for you to join Societies to learn these things.
A) Cabinet
Extracurricular activities are an important part of campus life. These include all university-based or university-sponsored cultural, educational, social and recreational activities not part of the regular curriculum but are an integral part of the living-learning community.
. President
Abdul Haseeb 03332335461
Being a Society Executive is one of the most rewarding things you can do whilst at University. You have to be dedicated, organized and most importantly of all - really believe in what your Society does.
2. Vice President
Fatima Ahmad
The role of vice president is found in one word: Service. He/she can and should assist the president and other members with their duties and ensures that the chapter meets minimum Chapter Standards and achieves the chapter's targeted performance level.
3. General Secretary
Ashar Atiq 03365563138
The Secretary is organizer of your Society and ensures that things run smoothly. They organize meetings, book rooms, write minutes and communicate what’s going on to your members, so they stay interested and involved.
4. Event Coordinator
Nida Munawar ent coordinator is responsible for the production of events from conception through to completion.
B) Liaison
1) Information Technology Team
The IT team is responsible for envisioning and setting goals in the society. The main responsibility of this team is to Delegate duties and tasks within the IT department. Carry out in-depth research to reveal new and better methods of handling functions within the department.
Abdul Haseeb
Neelum Niaz
2) Event Logging Team
Another important facet of figuring out whether something should be permitted is to determine who is doing it. Events with Passion & Innovation that what we do.
Sana Mushtaq
Maryum Ahmed
3) Management Team
Each member of a management team can concentrate on their own area of expertise. The team’s primary purpose is to make decisions that guide organizational/society operations.
Syed Imran Haider
Maham Jamil
4) Media Team
The Media Team, which sits within Corporate Affairs, is responsible for the University's media relations management. This includes raising the profile and building the reputation of the University and ensuring that the content of news media communications is always in accord with the University's policies and vision.
Talha Mirza
Kanza Nadeem
5) Decoration Team
Responsibilities: “Working with my team is the best way to learn new things and the good team spirit has set all of us to accomplish works successfully. In the Decoration Team, i am responsible for contributing to the main stand’s layout, designing the greetings and support each member to complete their job.” To oversee the successful decoration of the site, coordinating decoration teams, developing themes and addressing the needs of Venue Managers to create an overlook look.
Zainab Imtiaz
Aleena Rashid